As an avid lover of the future and what it holds, the romantic in me writes letters to my future self, explaining in detail where I hope to see myself, the person I would like to be, and positive affirmations of personal growth I hope to achieve. It’s almost like writing a personal love letter about your future hopes and dreams, and It’s very telling to try to predict the future that far in advance. Have you ever done it? Here’s a quick guide to doing it yourself, a very personal and magical way to love your future you.`
I choose nice paper, usually from a hotel stay, or something nice from a paper store. I then select how far in advance I want to open it. One year? Five years? Ten years? I stick with the chosen date and write to myself about who I want to be, where I see myself, and what I hope I have become. I never write in such a way to let myself down or feel bad if I didn’t achieve any of the above, but to romanticize about the future is a beautiful thing.
Lastly, I post it to myself sealed, with a date on the back to be opened. It goes into a special draw and stays there until that certain day. The fun part is when you can send it to yourself from different countries or cities and have the postmark on the envelope. A draw full of that is so inspiring. A great way to start is to pick a date ever year. Your birthday, New Years day, any date that holds meaning or a random day that means nothing. What matters is that you do it.
So have fun, be bold, try to be kind to yourself and go big with endless hopes and dreams. It’s a fascinating exercise into the future, goal setting, and where you thought you’d be. If anything it will give you ideas for the next letter.