I’ll tell you a truth. It used to take me at least a good hour before leaving the house to run errands because I didn’t know what to wear. It sounds silly right? Perhaps. But wherever you go the temperature changes. From every grocery store where the temperatures are freezing, to the malls where the heat is cranked up, I just could never decide. But really – I needed to just get out of the house!! See that’s my truth, my kryptonite, I have a hard time making choices. So then I decided to K.I.S.S. –>> Keep It Simple Sweetheart! Basics, plus a layer and out the door! The accents of color make the outfit POP – from my fave color bloc flats, to a striped belt. I’m gonna K.I.S.S. all year-long! WATCH THE VIDEO <<—-
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated” – Confucius
“Style is the dress of thoughts” – Lord Chesterfield
“They say the world has become too complex for simple answers. They are wrong” – Ronald Reagan
Photo Credit: www.curtyphotography.com by Marjorie Curty
Faux Fur Vest (Similar)
Sunglasses | (Same Brand Similar Style)
Flats *ON SALE
hELLO!))) I nominated you for LIEBSTER blog award! please, check it out in my blog
Awww thanks!!! I totally will. Your so awesome 🙂