FRIDAY FIVE – 5 Easy Ways To Feng Shui Your Home.
I’m a big believer in energy in the home. Here are some quick tips to elevate that CHI:
1. If you have any square table, place something round on top of it. This is how the chi circulates.
2. Two mirror’s should never face each other. The energy reflects off of the other, hence it doesn’t circulate.
3. Never place a desk, bed, or sofa with its back to the door. You will give your power away.
4. Always close the toilet lid when flushing the toilet. Apart from the germ factor, you would be flushing money down the toilet. And close the door!
5. De-clutter. Energy should flow freely and cannot when there is mess. Minimalism and simplistic surrounds creates great harmony which creates great chi.
If you want to learn more here’s a great book. Easy, practical and very spot on! Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui.