When it comes to high-end designer bags, I choose what everyone else doesn’t. As much as I adore the Celine trapeze bag, I see so many woman with it. And there’s no need to get me started on The Birkin or a Louis Vuitton. Heck even Givenchy has a staple, The Nightingale. But this Givenchy is different. I like classic Givenchy bags. In a classic one tone muted gray, the hardware is minimal silver, and it is damn well constructed. With enough body to hold its own, the lines are clean and classic. As you go through life remember one thing. You wear the bag, the bag doesn’t wear you! Reinforced base panel. Tone on tone stitching. Approx 15″ length x 11″ height x 7.5″ width. Leather. Made in Italy.
When it comes to high-end designer bags, I choose what everyone else doesn't. As much as I adore the Celine trapeze bag, I see so many woman with it. And there's no need to get me started on The Birkin or a Louis Vuitton. Heck even Givenchy has a staple, The Nightingale. But this Givenchy is different. I like classic Givenchy bags. In a classic one tone muted gray, the hardware is minimal silver, and it is damn well constructed. With enough body to hold its own, the lines are clean and classic. As you go through life remember one thing. You wear the bag, the bag doesn't wear you! Reinforced base panel. Tone on tone stitching. Approx 15" length x 11" height x 7.5" width. Leather. Made in Italy.