I must have a staple bag. In fact I must have a few. These are the everyday, block-color-but-with-texture-bags I seek. Inexpensive, not too much hardware, looks chic and ready to wear, and doest look like all the other bags out there. This stone gray woven tote bag I LOVE. As an oversized tote, it’s roomy to carry everything I need, the stone color goes with pretty much everything, and is woven in faux leather. The angle of the carry handle adds a chic “peak” to the bag, with a removable shoulder strap. Simple, elegant and chic, the woven texture is the star of the show here, and it’s worthy of the best everyday tote bag out there! 16″ height. 15″ width. 4.5″ depth. 6″ handle drop.
I must have a staple bag. In fact I must have a few. These are the everyday, block-color-but-with-texture-bags I seek. Inexpensive, not too much hardware, looks chic and ready to wear, and doest look like all the other bags out there. This stone gray woven tote bag I LOVE. As an oversized tote, it's roomy to carry everything I need, the stone color goes with pretty much everything, and is woven in faux leather. The angle of the carry handle adds a chic "peak" to the bag, with a removable shoulder strap. Simple, elegant and chic, the woven texture is the star of the show here, and it's worthy of the best everyday tote bag out there! 16" height. 15" width. 4.5" depth. 6" handle drop.