Have you ever beat to your own drum? Done your own thing? listened to your own voice? Well I’m here to urge you to jump. Do it. With both feet at the same time, don’t even think twice. See even if you fall, you will ALWAYS FALL FORWARD. Case in point – I saw this dress, it was way too big, but could envision it as a top. From the detailing of the feathers to the chain mail running down the front, it was such a unique piece I had to take the leap. I didn’t know if it would work out or not, but I knew I had to try. I had to beat to my drum, trust my instincts, that as a top it would be stunning. And personally I think it worked out. Remember my friends, “Jump and the net will appear!” Xx
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away” – Henry David Thoreau
“I’m inspired by anyone who’s honest in their own expression,people who truly beat
to the rhythm of their own drum” – Gillian Zinser
“If your child marches to a different beat, a different drummer, you might just have to go along
with that music. Help them achieve what’s important to them” – Sonia Sotomayor
“Create your own visual style. Let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others” – Orson Wells
Photographed by Patric Massou
Rozae Nichols | Top
Rag & Bone | Jean
Jimmy Choo | Pumps
Whiting & Davis | Mesh Bag
Love this!! I think cutting and modifying clothes is the smartest thing to do! You were def right, the feather detailing is incredible.
Like it Haute
Thanks Ali!! I’m a huge believer in modifying ANYTHING to make it fit. xox
Love The Top and The Pumps!! Lovely look! Very Chic!!!! 🙂
Your so sweet. thanks 🙂