As a huge fan of designer goods, I take pride in my collection of pre-owned luxury bags. I’m kinda always on the hunt, and it’s not always about saving a buck or 200, it’s about finding a certain piece that might have been overlooked or sold in another market. What makes life easier is when you find a place that does the legwork for you. That’s making sure it’s a real designer bag and has passed a high-quality inspection. Here’re my quick tips to scoring a deal online:
1. Only buy from a reputable seller – This should go without saying, but too many times where people sell items themselves, who actually is doing the legwork? Not in all cases, but buyer beware. I only buy from trusted sources like Trendlee. Especially when it’s a big ticket item.
2. Seek out the unique – If you’ve been on the hunt for a particular bag, then you’ll know what’s out there on the market. I try to do some legwork, and then make a purchase on something unique that no one else has.
3. Pricing – There’s this fear that exists with What if there is something better? What if I can get it cheaper? I’ve you’ve done the legwork up above you’ll know a good price and feel good about pulling the trigger. Too many times have I waited, and then lost the better deal.
4. Return to sender – I trust an online store 5 times as much if they have a return policy. Always read the fine print, and zoom in on the images.
5. Check the new kid on the block – Try new online stores even if they are emerging – You can get a better deal and they have different inventory. I loved what I got to select from Trendlee, and the customer service was spot on.
And have fun. That’s what I love most about vintage shopping!
Get 5% off with any purchase with code: CURATEDCOOL
*Thanks to Trendlee for Partnering on this Post.
Photographed by Patric Massou
Celine Suede Bag